Maybe it's somehow related to the MouseArea bug I head. I would try to log in and see if it fixes itself, maybe try to change ingame resolution. Maybe that's an issue with the latest game update and not directly related to proton. I think I bought the base game and deep ocean separately, but it's been years so I don't really remember. If I attempt to login it will show me a popup, but because barely any text is being rendered it doesn't really help. If I attempt to type my password, it will mostly appear as though no text is being entered (with the exception that the bottom button goes from red to green). Anno seems to have installed without most issues that other people have, but when I get to the login screen the only visible text is my username. I've run into this issue where text does not appear in most places it should. If it's the case, buy Deep Ocean DLC (CDN$ 4.99 on sales) - that worked for me. It will cause AutoPatcher to load up and then Anno 2070 again. Anno 2070 should also show up.Īnno 2070 might require to restart in order to check Deep Ocean DLC activation. Remove PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% from the launcher options otherwise Uplay will not be able to connect on Uplay network.ĪutoPatcher should be downloading data now. Run Anno again, the Activation window will show up, enter your activation code, validate and then click ok.ĪutoPatcher may or may not work at this point. UbisoftGameLauncher.exe, UbisoftGameLauncher64.exe, upc.exe, Uplay.exe, Upla圜rashReporter.exe, UplayService.exe, UplayWebCore.exe.Set the following executable files to Windows Vista:.

WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/48240/pfx ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 4.11/dist/bin/wine UplayInstaller.exe /S.Recommended to download Uplay from Ubisoft. Run Anno once, the Activation window will show up and then click cancel. Set launcher argument to PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% rm -rf ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/48240.The Little Book of Anno 2070 Installation